Urmila 's first meet with Lakshman

Based on Kavita Kane's --  "Sita's Sister"

(In Janak's flower garden on way to temple )

Speaker is  "URMILA "

Those fierce eyes,
 that sarcastic smirk
the incomparable devotion,
 all made my heart, 
palpitate with joy.

                           The piousty of thoughts
                           the aura the greatness
                          the scent of Valour
                       all made me loose my head over.

That amiable smile,
won over me within seconds
the incredible greatness,
little bit of modesty,
made my heart flutter more .

                               Scent sweeter than flowers,
                               made me elated,
                               those eyes captured me

 I felt destined with him
 the love in his eyes, 
the longings of my soul, 
connected us  forever, 

                  our quests procured perpetual bliss
                  our predestined eternal bond,
                   tightened incessantly
                   to lead us
                  where we belong to...............

                                                                              ---    KOMAL 

(Its no where near to how beautifully Kavita Kane described it , still i tried my best pouring out what all I felt , am such a huge fan of her....i love her novels more than anything.... so she's my inspiration..... just hope she will read it some day and review it for me )


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