FESTIVAL OF LIGHT   :)

Diwali is a festival of lights , happiness and memories... Its the festival where we try to make everything bright be it our lives ,our surrounding or our house we lighten up everything to eliminate all the darkness . Eliminating darkness from everywhere includes removing of all kind negativity from our minds and thus opening it up to new gleams of life.

Diwali is festival of removing everything wrong (dark) from everywhere and maintain a good (bright)  surrounding......
BUT.. Nowadays-----
the festival is not celebrated as it should be, at present Diwali is called as a festival of  firecrackers , harmful crackers which are in no way good to us. Diwali without firecrackers these days is not considered real Diwali, for most of the people real beauty of Diwali lies in firecrackers ...😆
Now lets imagine real Diwali
Diwali without crackers and artificiality...

Real beauty of Diwali lies in "diyas" made out of mud,when they are lighted , the surrounding brightens up and becomes soothing with natural light. These diyas look beautiful and are environment friendly.

Imagine you are celebrating Diwali and............ you have decorated your whole house with diyas emitting natural light imagine how beautiful your house would look!!!! Imagine the calmness those tiny diyas will spread ,imagine the silence you will have during Diwali !! No bursting noises at all , imagine how serene will it be for our environment and those animals when we will not pollute air , burst crackers and not cause noise pollution..

Think how much money you will be able to save this Diwali when you will not waste it on useless crackers.
Imagine how many lives will be saved when crackers will not be used, every year 2 or 3 cases pop out of burning of people while bursting crackers.

All in all everything will be good and balanced !
Firecrackers are bane to our festival of lights .
I humbly request you all ---
not to celebrate the modern Diwali including firecrackers , pollution and danger......
but go for traditional Diwali including diyas, sweets, best wishes , affection and much more!!

Rest choice is your...........


  1. This diwali we are enjoying very much. we have also brought the different types of the cloths and lights.
    thanks for sharing lovely blogs..
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