What I think of land dispute in Ayodhya!!!

Its high time for Uttarpradesh  as the decision on land dispute of Ayodhya can be  taken anytime from now .Hindus claim that a temple should be built there , Muslims claim that a mosque should be built there... Every party is trying to establish their religion higher , everyone is worried about respect of their religion. 

But nobody thinks of-
  1. the destruction which will be caused by revolt of respective parties when the temple or mosque will be built.
  2. about the loss of lives which will take place due to fights and attacks by people
  3. about the wastage of money and power just for accomplishing the motive of building a temple or mosque
  4. about the soldiers who will wake day and night ,work hard to control things ,crowd and make things happen softly...
I want you all  be Muslim or Hindu not to keep any want or desire for temple or mosque , just desire for peace. There are thousands of temples and mosques all over the country , if you will not achieve god by praying in all of them,so just by praying in temple or mosque built in Ayodhya you will not get god .
Do not long for land of Ayodhya , let the decision be taken by Supreme court , you should trust the Indian judiciary system , correct and best solution will be given for matter. Wait for the decision calmly and with a serene mind accept the decision . You should have faith in your respective gods and Indian judiciary system.
If temple is built there it  will not cause much benefit to Hindu religion ,in the  same way if a mosque is built there it will not cause much advantage to Muslim religion . So stop fighting for mosque and temple, fight for humanity and mankind.
Fight for those who sleep empty stomach , who sleep on roads , who die due to lack of medicinal facilities ,fight for sufferers , do something for them . Doing for them will make  you and sufferers happy , but fighting for religion will cause trouble only......




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