
    Present times are very hard for India ,indeed very hard for the whole world.This new kind of virus has caused ominous effect all over the world .     A virus smallest ,microscopic in size has caused a sinister effect on human species. Even though small in size ,the virus has defeated human beings very easily , thus teaching the  lesson that size of the enemy doesn't matters,the thing which matters is the enemy's power. Though its molecular yet it is spectacular.

   In such testing times we the natives of  the country have a very vital role to play. We all are the main segments, we need to fight strongly against the virus . We are needed to follow the rules of social distancing religiously ,we are needed to wear masks, we are needed to wash our hands at regular intervals of time, we are needed to follow lock down seriously.

If we do not follow even one of the above mentioned instructions we are risking ourselves, our family, our neighborhood ,our state, our country ,whole world and hence whole human race. Therefore,we should take precautionary measures against this dreadful virus to ensure safety of everyone on this earth.

We should play roles efficiently as, the government and other warriors are playing their parts with dedication. Our government is trying its best to save us from this epidemic and, that too at a time when many great nations and leaders have dropped their arms against this virus and are helpless .

As our warriors are doing their jobs indefatigably we too are needed to fulfill our duties with utmost care and devotion .We should  not be one who would cause serious panic in such situation rather we should be one who would contribute one's efforts and resources to fight against covid- 19. We all should fight with unity to beat this epidemic.

Our Prime minister Modi says  ---------" Increase social distance but decrease emotional or human distance"  i.e. we need to fight this hard time with unity, taking ourselves and fellow countrymen together , helping each other in the best ways possible.Our well wishers are working very hard for us and if, we will breaks rules and cause problems their moral will go down thus causing hindrance in victory. 

Therefore cooperation is very essential .

  '' STAY HOME ''          ''  STAY SAFE''

 Praying for well being of you all .


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