

                                              CHAOS   You are lost in some unknown world, I have became all alone in this crowded world.         Death doesn't comes,         hope doesn't goes,         what has happened to heart,         nothing seems bright.                      There's one life and lots of pain,                    every thing feels suffocated. come let me see you with drowning eyes. You are lost in some unknown world................ I have became all alone........                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  - KOMAL TIWARI


                              Books I read and you should read 1. Shrine      by- Yasir shah 2.Sons of sun       by - Sa kandasamy 3. A window lived in a wall    by- Vinod kumar shukla 4.Kite strings by- Andaleeb wajid 5. The song of the loom by- Abdul bismillah 6.Dancing with kali by- Lalita das 7. Silent lips and murmuring hearts by- Yeshe dorjee thongchi 8.One Indian girl  by- Chetan bhagat 9. Learning to dance  by- Karri justina shea 10. An eternal love story by- Amit khan  And many more.....


                     COVID-19               Present times are very hard for India ,indeed very hard for the whole world.This new kind of virus has caused ominous effect all over the world .     A virus smallest ,microscopic in size has caused a sinister effect on human species. Even though small in size ,the virus has defeated human beings very easily , thus teaching the  lesson that size of the enemy doesn't matters,the thing which matters is the enemy's power. Though its molecular yet it is spectacular.    In such testing times we the natives of  the country have a very vital role to play. We all are the main segments, we need to fight strongly against the virus . We are needed to follow the rules of social distancing religiously ,we are needed to wear masks, we are needed to wash our hands at regular intervals of time, we are needed to follow lock down seriously. If we do not follow even one of the above mentioned instructions we are risking ourselves, our family,


Adil Dar's feelings  few moments before  his  death  (suicide) (I don't know why but a thought came in  my mind that things could have been such for him at that time so i should write about it .  I am not in favor  with all what he did but i think ,he must have surely felt  all what  i have written.) note: Here i have written this poem on Adil (Indian  youngster , innocent one) not for terrorist Adil dar. (speaker Adil (tears in eyes ) " I am on a very tough mission ,  a mission important for ,  'me' ,'them ' and 'those'  (Adil) (terrorist)  (CRPF soldiers)  my mind is fluctuating ,  heart is trembling , still  something makes me stay  adamant to my decision .  My mind and heart are revolting ,  my body functions according to 'them',  the blackness of heart and mind,   I have acquired through them doesn't  let me think otherwise . Am duty bound , can't let humanity and mankind acquire  my mind


       What I think of land dispute in Ayodhya!!! Its high time for Uttarpradesh  as the decision on land dispute of Ayodhya can be  taken anytime from now .Hindus claim that a temple should be built there , Muslims claim that a mosque should be built there... Every party is trying to establish their religion higher , everyone is worried about respect of their religion.  But nobody thinks of- the destruction which will be caused by revolt of respective parties when the temple or mosque will be built. about the loss of lives which will take place due to fights and attacks by people about the wastage of money and power just for accomplishing the motive of building a temple or mosque about the soldiers who will wake day and night ,work hard to control things ,crowd and make things happen softly... I want you all  be Muslim or Hindu not to keep any want or desire for temple or mosque , just desire for peace. There are thousands of temples and mosques all over the country ,


                          A CURSE Dowry is the worst tradition followed by us Indians. This is the tradition which leads women to face a hellish life and is a prominent reason due to which girls are so unwanted, killed even before their birth. Dowry is a act in which girl's side have to give valuables,money,riches,things etc to boy's side. In other words Dowry is a tradition which compels girl's parents to compulsorily give riches and things to boy's parents . That was the definition which is generally given for Dowry by others, now get through my thoughts about Dowry and people taking Dowry. ☺️ According to me Dowry is a act in which it is proved correct by boy's side that they are incapable of feeding a girl, the one who is going to be included in their family and hence they want to take aids from girl's parents in form of money,riches,things,valuables,many more ........ so that they can feed the girl in future and there after . Boy's side


                              FESTIVAL OF LIGHT     :) Diwali is a festival of lights , happiness and memories... Its the festival where we try to make everything bright be it our lives ,our surrounding or our house we lighten up everything to eliminate all the darkness . Eliminating darkness from everywhere includes removing of all kind negativity from our minds and thus opening it up to new gleams of life. Diwali is festival of removing everything wrong (dark) from everywhere and maintain a good (bright)  surrounding...... BUT.. Nowadays----- the festival is not celebrated as it should be, at present Diwali is called as a festival of  firecrackers , harmful crackers which are in no way good to us. Diwali without firecrackers these days is not considered real Diwali, for most of the people real beauty of Diwali lies in firecrackers ... 😆 Now lets imagine real Diwali Diwali without crackers and artificiality... Real beauty of Diwali lies in "diyas" made out o